Monday, February 28, 2011

3 Things to know for your busines to win the Facebook Revolution

   If you haven’t figured it out already, the Facebook revolution is real. Just ask the guy that used to rule Egypt. There is real power behind this revolution and if done correctly it can revolutionize your business.  If you choose to ignore it, you just might suffer a similar fate as a now former Middle East dictator who made the same mistake.

  Nobody really wants to be deposed

So, in order to make the most of social media it helps to understand how it works.
It doesn’t matter what you’re trying to do via Facebook, there is one immutable fact about the social media behemoth; interaction is rewarded. 

FB has an equation it runs for every post which determines how long it remains in its Top News category. It includes but is not limited to the following 3 factors:

  1. how much interaction did the post create?
  2. what is the history of interaction by this user's previous posts?
  3. how large is the variety of posters interacting?
So, if you want to remain front and center amidst the Facebook revolution, keep these things in mind as you create your social media strategy. 

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