Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The 80/20 rule; The National Golf Foundation gets it. How about you?

Joe Beditz, NGF's president and CEO commented, "The golf business is driven by 15 million core golfers who account for more than 90% of all rounds and golf spending. We estimate that businesses who sell to golf consumers have access to less than a million unduplicated golfer emails, and maybe four million unduplicated golfer mailing addresses. Golf business development efforts are hindered because only a fraction of our most important customers can be reached, and we wanted to do something about it." 

 So the National Golf Foundation is making an all out effort to start gathering golfer information for its Database of American Golfers. Great idea! They seem to understand the old rule of business that says a large percentage (90%??) of  revenue comes from a small percentage of customers. It's known the 80/20 rule, that appears to be more like 90/10 in the golf world. Either way they've decided to "do something about it". 

  The question then becomes, as a golf industry professional, are you ready to do something about it?
What does your customer information collection effort look like? Is it a clipboard and pencil? A basket where people throw business cards? Whether you're a retailer or an operator, collecting customer information has never been more important. Any effort made to capture your player's email, preferences, etc. when at your facility is more than a little worthwhile. 

  The NGF will spend thousands of dollars the next couple of years to build its Database of American Golfers. And for a nominal fee, you'll have access to this massive golfer list. But this list will never have the value to you as the one you build yourself. It might take a while but over the next few years, the smart operators will collect and build a real asset for their business. How about you?

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